Senior retired friends play cards in their spare time or at retirement home

How to choose the best 55+ community for you

You've worked hard for decades, but now its time to think about retirement and how and where you would like to live...

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6 Ways to Build Lasting Healthy Habits

6 Ways to Build Lasting Healthy Habits (Family Features) Starting on a path toward healthy habits is often easier than maintaining them long term. This year, you can avoid a major pitfall of healthy resolutions and build healthy habits that stick by working small, positive steps into your daily life. In fact, healthy habits are the first suggested treatment strategy for people whose blood pressure and cholesterol levels are creeping higher than normal, according to an American Heart Association scientific statement. “The current guidelines for managing high blood pressure and cholesterol recognize that otherwise healthy individuals with mildly or moderately […]

Improve Wellness with Affordable Bathroom Upgrades (Family Features) Wellness is at the forefront of nearly everyone’s mind, including keeping germs at bay and creating surroundings that promote mental and physical health. Even small, but important, spaces like the bathroom can benefit from changes with wellness in mind. A bathroom can be one of the easiest rooms in your home to give a little extra TLC toward creating a healthier lifestyle. These cost-effective measures can turn your bathroom into a more practical, functional space that promotes your well-being. Switch Up Surfaces The countertops in your bathroom, much like the flooring, must […]

8 Tips to Rethink Clean at Home and On the Go (Family Features) For years, terms like “clean,” “sanitized” and “disinfected” have been used almost interchangeably. However, if people have learned anything from the COVID-19 pandemic, it’s just because something looks clean doesn’t mean it actually is. From high-touch surfaces to personal hygiene, many have focused more on the cleanliness of their homes and the businesses they visit amid the pandemic. In fact, roughly 3 in 5 Americans (57%) are more concerned about the cleanliness of businesses they frequent due to the COVID-19 pandemic, according to an online survey of […]

White Hot Chocolate When it’s cold outside, start up the fireplace, get your favorite slippers on, wrap up in a warm blanket and snuggle on the couch with this delicious White Hot Chocolate. Find more recipes at Culinary.net. White Hot Chocolate 3 cups Half & Half 2/3 cup white chocolate baking pieces 1 3 inch cinnamon stick 1/8 tsp ground nutmeg 1 tsp vanilla 1/4 tsp almond extract Ground Cinnamon (optional) Whipped Cream (optional) In a medium saucepan combine 1/4 of the half & half, white chocolate baking pieces, cinnamon stick and nutmeg. Stir over low to medium heat until […]

Make Healthy Easy with Grapes (Family Features) If you’re like many Americans who put a priority on well-being, choosing simple yet healthy snacks and ingredients is an easy first step. For example, grapes are a popular and convenient fruit that can also be an ally in wellness, offering an abundance of health benefits that can help you get (and stay) on the right track. The next time you enjoy an outdoor adventure, pack along a healthy snack such as California grapes. They can go with you on hikes and bike rides or to the gym as a healthy and hydrating […]

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